The digital currency often called the Cryptocurrencies remains the most popular stuff in the world now. In a short span of time, the world has recognized digital coin as the fastest growing coin in the world. If you are looking to invest in digital currencies, then it is mandatory to check the expensive Cryptocurrencies. One can find it valuable for blockchain, hence the digital coins remain the highest market caps, which can remain on the odds-on favorites sides for being the biggest digital currencies. Well, how about checking the list of expensive Cryptocurrencies in the following paragraphs, have a look at the same:
Bitcoin – 11.900 USD
The top in the list happens to be bitcoin, which remains the king in all cryptocurrencies. This is not only the highest in terms of market cap but at the same time remains the highest coin costs of all the Top 100 coins. It was created way back in 2009 and since then it has remained as the uncontested market cap leader. The Bitcoin remains the most secure option for all the blockchains, which is backed by the highest in terms of computing power. Time and again will tell in the Bitcoin that remains on the top of the market. The “Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” seemed to have morphed into the new “digital gold”. – USD 5.851
The next in the list of the most expensive Cryptocurrencies are yearn. finance. This remains the youngest project as found in the list. One can find the project specializes in the issue of “yield farming”. With the help of smart contracts, one can choose one of the most lucrative Ethereum Defi protocols this year. The digital coin called yearn. finance simply lends out to be the staked assets, which regards to its users that help in boosting up their interest rates. In the previous few weeks, one can find yearn. finance that comes as the token YFI has found to be an incredible boost up in the valuation. This very project can be called as the South Africa native Andre Cronje that remained in the toxicity in the Defi scene.
Maker USD 627
The other key digital coin to consider in this list include the MakerDAO, which remains that costly with an amount of 627 USD. It helps in giving away the decentralized stablecoin that comes with the pegged to the US-Dollar. With this digital coin, the people engaging with the same were able to make a huge crypto-crash this year until the month of March 2020. But thanks to the tough conditions it resulted in crashing with the $5 Million of damages. So far, it has gained approximately $1.5 Billion of revenue in total.
Ethereum USD 394
The most expensive digital coin happens to be Ethereum, which allowed a huge role in giving the best of the option for the blockchain, which ends up allowing the smart contracts. The users can help in implementing the code on the Ethereum blockchain, which can be easily accessed to execute the transactions.
Bitcoin Cash USD 302
The next digital coin that remains the most popular and costly is the Bitcoin Cash, which came to be in mid-2017. It continues to remain the most promising and profitable one in the sector.