/Most Expensive Pets

Most Expensive Pets

Most Expensive Pets

If you are a true animal lover, you would love to have it regardless of its cost. One can contemplate having a pet for oneself. You wouldn’t mind having one. We know animals to be as loyal companions and often the best stress busters. They lick, cuddle and jump and make you laugh even in your tough time. This love has made the pets to be sold at an exorbitant cost showcasing the love and craze for pets. The pets can be anything, right from dogs, horses, birds, animal and even insects and bees. Well, how about checking the list of Most Expensive Pets as under:

Green Monkey

If you check the cost of this animal, you will not call it a monkey, its also known for Most Expensive Pets. It is a thoroughbred US-based racehorse, which was fathered by the other thoroughbred American racehorse known as Forestry that was auctioned at a whopping cost of $16,000,000 in 2009. As per the CNBC reports, the money covered the distance of one mile in just 9.8 seconds. Now, that’s called superfast. Unfortunately, the Most Expensive Pets met an injury that failed the animal to replicate the same speed.

Miss Missy – An Australian Holstein of Cow

She belongs to Holstein breed of cows and as per several media reports she has shown other cows the exit by winning many titles to her name. Beside it is very much productive as well as she produces 50 per cent more milk than any other average cow. The cow has a value of $1,200,000 which is indeed a whopping deal.

Sir Lancelot Encore – the Labrador

Estimated worth up to $16,000,000

Sir Lancelot happens to be the beloved Labrador of Edgar and Nina, but sadly the precious animal passed away out of blue. They couldn’t bear this loss and later went on to get closed the deceased pet. The couple invested $155,000 hoping to get their old dog again. Then came the Sir Lancelot Encore who happens to be the world’s first cloned dog known as Lancey. The estimated cost went to a whopping USD 16,000,000.

Tibetan Mastiff the world’s largest dog

Tibetan Mastiff is the world’s largest dog and can be even called as a ferocious lion when it comes to size and shrewdness. The dog was originally the part and parcel of the guard dogs but was trained the best for protecting the livestock, monasteries and palaces. It is a rare dog to find and is known to get a huge price. As per reports, the dog has a value of around $582,000. In fact, it went on to get auctioned in 2011 at a cost of around 1.5 USD.

The White Lion Cubs

This breed of the lion is difficult to spot, and the last time these were seen was in 1938 as they remain the rare kind of animal. This rare breed were seen in the areas of Timbavati and found with white fur along with having the light colour eyes. As per reports, these white lion cubs have the value of around $140, 000.