It is a fact that sex is a great feeling and it brings lots of excitement to life. It has evolved a lot in the past few years with the help of imposing itself against the civilization, which continue to hesitate from the usage of the term sex explicitly. Despite the term remains a taboo issue, it has been discussed a lot in both the private and public domains. With the advent of modern technologies, it has escalated to new heights coming along with loads of innovation apart from the luxury and comfort attached to the life, but at the same time it has even brought the entire lot of newer methods and techniques along with tools that enhances and adds values to the human sexuality. This certainly includes the sex toys as well, and like any other stuff, these could even remain the most expensive one. Let’s check the most expensive sex toys as under:
Platinum Vibrator Encrusted With Diamonds (3,250 USD)
This is among the Most Expensive Sex Toys creations when it comes to the sex toys in this industry. It is nothing but a vibrator, which is designed with the help of platinum that is adorned with the 28 carat diamonds that are encrusted in its base. The vibrator also has a 24 karat gold in it, while it is designed like an object of pleasure, it can be called as the ingenious designs found in the sex toy industry and this can be achieved with the piece of art.
Silver Butt Plug With Horse Tail (3,475 USD)
It was designed by Betony Vernon, which happens to be an anal sex toy that carries both the silver and the real mane of the horse. It is very much referred as the “unicorn” butt plug, which has been inspired by technology and the human desire that are meant for the finest things in life. The silver in it is very much made in a way to resemble the unicorn. The butt plug is nicely designed having a bulbous head, which resembles similar like a horn, and happens to be like a flared end, along with the tapered shaft meant for giving maximum amount of sexual pleasure.
Paradise String of Pearls (4,254 USD)
Gold Tickler (4,506 USD)