We know the popular business tycoons run the big chains but not all have the world highest paid CEOs for their companies. But some of them have their companies with highest paid CEOs like the brands including Facebook which have the top earning CEOs. Well, the successful business in the world have their companies often earning much. Well, it would be interesting to catch the top CEOs earning much, how about catching the list as under:
Jeff Bezos
He belongs to the branded company called Amazon of age 54 from the US. Hehas the net worth of $151.7 billion. He is among the richest man in this world,while he started his journey by selling books of different categories onlinefrom his garage based in Seattle. He then expanded and emerged as the toponline booksellers online. He then also ventured in other businesses inaerospace and bought it in 2013. He is also active in philanthropy and hasdonated a sum of 2.5 million USD for a cause in the US.
Mark Zuckerberg
The other man to top in this list is Marck and is of 34 years old, while hehas a networth of 70 billion USD. He is a self-made man who is a dropout ofHarvard University at 19, and soon worked hard to give the biggest social mediaplatform called Facebook. The social media platform has more than 2 billionusers and is increasing since past few years making a good impact on the world.He went on to earn 1 billion active users based platform called WhatsApp aswhich has currently gets 1.5 billion monthly users.
Charles Koch
The other man in this list is Charles Koch and he is the CEO of the popularnewsorgan called The Wall Street Journal owned by Koch Industries. He is of 82years of age and an American. His Networth is 60 Billion USD. He holds theposition in the board of directors since 1967. The success of the business ismostly due to the interest of Koch and the commitment he has in his scientificand social progression. For more than a decades he has helped the researchactivities in academic field with the special focus on the voluntary research.He has supported a number of causes for groups like the Heritage Foundation,the American Enterprise Institute, and libertarian Cato Institute.
Larry Page
The other man in this list is Larry Page, who is a CEO of the companycalled Fortune that is owned by Alphabet. He is of 45 years of age and is anAmerican. He has his networth of 48.8 billion USD. He is man behind bringingout the biggest search engine in the world called Google, which has garneredthe rating of 95 percent, the highest in the world at Glassdoor. He is knownfor have expertise in communication and leadership.
Wrapping up
This is just a modest list and you have loads of more such names to list. Do share your list if you have any. Stay tuned to know more about it and others!